
The association supports community governance structures in improving their governance performance with intent to build and strengthen a vibrant community voice in Natural and Wildlife Resource governance and management by seeing to it that the communities attain great social standards, promote direct conservation democracy, and devolution of power in favor of the local communities 


To ensure that there is coordination of all Community Based Organizations (CBOs) that manage natural resources on behalf of communities, building into a strong and legitimate voice and building their capacity to become independent institutions prudently managing the resources in an accountable manner.

The Associations Role in Improving Governance for Protected and Conserved Areas

  • ZCRBA provides on-call and routine backstopping to these institutions through national and regional structures and linkage with NGOs
  • To escalate the governance of community structures across the country

Activities around Governance Improvements for Community Governance Structures

  • To share with the stakeholders the various types of governance and leadership manuals that have been developed and piloted.
  • Increase use of governance materials in and around protected areas
  • Support partners to facilitate roll out of the governance manuals
  • Promote best practices for natural resource management in the GMAs/Open areas
  • Provide knowledge and skills to improve CBRNM management
  • To explain the process that we do to provide this support
  • To seek partnership with supporting organizations to adopt these manuals